Bits of Poetry

A Place for my Poems :)

My loyalties lie where my heart is
You who scorched me, I would not miss
I really thought you were my friend
So sad to see it finally end

Whatever it is, you're just plain mean
My points of view, you should have seen
How dare you compare me to hostile ally
When you yourself showed me no mercy

I hate you so much, You've torn me apart
You just might have shattered my fragile heart
Words can't describe the hatred I feel
To you it may seem so unreal

I was foolish to think that you would change
I over estimated your shallow range
I felt more at home with whom you call enemies
than I ever felt in what we call Family

What the heck, have you made me into?
I am the monster that would screw you
For in my eyes I've done nothing wrong
Now listen to my heart's angry song 

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