Sunday, December 31, 2017

Thank You 2017

2017 was my year of Magpunyagi! It has been a challengingvyear filled with new experiences both good and bad. The entire year has been a roller coaster ride with intertwining highs and lows.

I welcomed big changes as 2017 came, changes that were not a choice but changes brought about by circumstance and need. I welcomed such changes and I have learned plenty of things along the way.

As I turned 20, I welcomed a new chapter of my life both literally and figuratively. The position that I now hold as UPLB USC Chairperson is an opportunity and experience that I will always be thankful for. It has not been easy navagating my way thru the web of things to do all throughout the year and there were plenty of times that I almost gave it all up and just quit.

It has been a year of many firsts and many lasts, it has been a joy and a burden to have experienced everything all at the same time. From organizinv one event and another to talking and meeting with people and more importantly fighting for what is right,  this year has been very hectic.

Words cannot express just how much has transpired in the past year, Magpunyagi has become more than just my campaign prop line but it has become my mantra. Magpunyagi for we have achieved so much in the past year, Magounyagi because it has not beem an easy feat, I have cried my heart out so many times this year and yet we managed to push thru.

2017 has taught me many things about myself, it has been a joy trying to figure things out but I would have it any other way.

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Things are not Easy

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